About Us

CAN-LIGHT is a social enterprise aimed at delivering a triple-bottom line opportunity to our sponsors, provide access to electricity in Africa and to replace kerosene lamps with a more sustainable solution. 

Can-light was founded by a group of energy entrepreneurs living in South Africa when they dared to be different and picked up a beverage can that was earmarked for recycling. 

They knew that there must be millions of these cans available in Africa, but how could these cans be used to generate energy? 

Well, their expedition in the garage lab with the backing of a combined 3 decades in energy storage technology development, yielded a simple potential answer…. Enter the Metal-air Fuel-cell. 

A long development cycle with many trials and errors later, we created a simple Aluminum-air battery or Aluminum-air Fuel-cell with a replaceable aluminum component that runs off air and aluminum. 

We soon realised that we have an opportunity to address a major problem faced by hundreds of millions of people around the world. 

The problem: Millions of people don’t have access to electricity and they use fossil-fuel lighting sources that are polluting, unsafe, unhealthy and costly. 

Enter the CAN-LIGHT, an affordable, sustainable and safe light that uses aluminum as fuel. 

Our Mission

Transform Lives through upcycling of waste into energy.

Make a measurable impact on our environment. 

Our Goal

Issue CAN-LIGHT units to benefit 30 million people by 2025. 

Our Strategy

We will impact lives through an asset smart, technology propelled value chain centric strategy built on internal innovation and intellectual property.